
For me, every couple is unique.  This means that every wedding requires a great deg

That's why, all my packages off a catch up session between booking and the wedding.  If time permits, then I like nothing more than setting a date to meet up for a cuppa and a good old chinwag about your big day.  I like to try and get a feel for who you are and what is important to you.  We can discuss ideas and you can let me know about the characters who will be coming.  I love a chat and there's nothing better than talking about an upcoming wedding in my book!

Getting to know you!

For me, every couple is unique. That's why, all my packages off a catch up session between booking and the wedding. If time permits, then I like nothing more than setting a date to meet up for a cuppa and a good old chinwag about your big day. I like to try and get a feel for who you are and what is important to you. We can discuss ideas and you can let me know about the characters who will be coming. I love a chat and there's nothing better than talking about an upcoming wedding in my book!

Mauris non ullamcorper augue. Vestibulum consectetur odio et dolor cursus, in pretium orci pretium. Aenean vel aliquet eros. Integer vitae augue nec justo placerat euismod. Fusce placerat felis id mauris eleifend, vitae pretium elit eleifend. Nulla at ipsum tristique, rhoncus est et, accumsan turpis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas ligula metus, facilisis id velit eget, tincidunt aliquam lorem. Sed fringilla malesuada risus, ut pharetra risus malesuada at. Morbi convallis nibh nec lacus ultricies tempus. Etiam bibendum nisl at risus pretium consequat.

“Eheu fugaces labuntur anni. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Quam bene vivas refert non quam diu.”